RITUAL - An Orange for an Overcast Day

A ritual for the dead of winter, or days when you feel overcast.

A video co-creation with Kate Devine

  1. Take an orange, or a clementine or even a lemon if you are in a pinch.

  2. Sit on the floor, on a pillow, by a window with a napkin in your lap and the citrus on top of the napkin.

  3. Using your fingertips, pierce the skin and begin to peel. Watch for the mist of orange oils that diffuse into the air. Let the scent drift up to you.

  4. Inhale. Close your eyes. Does it smell sweet? Does it prickle inside your nose? Does it remind you of that light, sunny day?

  5. Tear segments of juicy flesh apart into bite-sized pieces…and eat, and tear, and eat, letting the juices drip down your fingers.

  6. When you are finished, go about your day. But every time you walk by that window, notice the scent of bright orange will lingering. And each time you need some light, bring your fingers to the tip of your nose because your hands will carry the scent of pungent orange oils, and it will simply smell like life.